


來源:化學加網(wǎng)      2022-02-28



Dr. Jiang Jie, professor and doctoral supervisor of Jinan University,China, President of the Research Institute of Jinan University in Dongguan, Director of the Institute of Southern pharmacoeconomics, Jinan University. Resume: Professor Jiang Jie also holds several academic positions, including Chairman of  South China branch,ISPOR,Chairman of pharmaceutical economics committee of Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, Member of pharmaceutical economics special committee of China Pharmaceutical Association, etc. Professor Jiang Jie presided over the approved doctoral program of pharmaceutical administration at the end of 2012, which is the third doctoral program of Pharmaceutical Administration approved by national pharmaceutical colleges and universities. In January 2013, the center of pharmacoeconomics and health technology evaluation of Jinan University was established, mainly engaged in the research of pharmacoeconomics, pharmaceutical industry policy, international drug registration, etc. In the field of pharmacoeconomics, Professor Jiang Jie has presided over more than 10 vertical projects, including 1 national major project, 1 National Natural Science Project, 6 provincial and municipal major new drug creation projects, and more than 30 horizontal projects cooperated with domestic and international well-known pharmaceutical enterprises. In recent years, Professor Jiang Jie has made some academic achievements in the field of pharmacoeconomics. In the past three years, he has published more than 30 SCI papers.


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