


來(lái)源:藥總匯      2022-08-31

Top Pharmaceuticals Poster

TOP 200 DRUGS: As part of our efforts to educate students about how chemistry positively impacts our lives, my research group has created the pharmaceutical posters shown below, which can be downloaded for free as high resolution PDF files from our website. We envisioned that this attractive graphical information would be a useful tool for teaching both undergraduate and graduate students in addition to serving as a spring board of ideas for researchers interested in the development of new synthetic methods and strategies. I hope everyone enjoys these posters as much as we have and I encourage all visitors to download them and use for teaching, fun chemical browsing, research purposes or even as an attractive and accessible graphical summary to help communicate to the public the critical role organic chemistry plays in the development of new medicines. New posters are completed and posted late in April every year. (Please e-mail us any mistakes you come across and we will make sure to correct them promptly). Part of material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 0848324,1266365, 1565500, 1857708 and now 2153657.


Since 2010, we have been working on creating a new class of posters that build upon the design philosophy and success of our Top200 drug posters but that aim to capture a larger number of pharmaceuticals and to present thematically according to their medical use. Our ambitious goal was to draw the structures of “ALL” the small molecule drugs approved by the US FDA since the beginning and to present these pharmaceuticals in new educational poster formats. Each poster would contain the structures of all the small molecules approved to treat conditions in that particular disease category. We decided that for the first generation of these new posters we would arrange the structures in each disease category in a chronological order based on when they were first approved. Prototypes of three of these posters were first presented at the 33rd National ACS Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Tucson, Arizona May 19-23rd 2012.   This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 1266365 and now 1565500

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