


化學化工類期刊CiteScore? 2023一覽

來源:愛思唯爾      2024-06-12
導讀:近日,CiteScore? 2023正式發布!CiteScore? 引用分指標基于Scopus可信賴的數據源中,來自7000多家出版商的29,777多本活躍出版物,覆蓋333個學科, 化學加整理了化學化工學科CiteScore? 2023,供大家參考?。


1000-化學化工類期刊CiteScore? 2023.xlsx

1Chemical Reviews106
2Chemical Society Reviews80.8
3Nature Biotechnology63
4Nature Materials62.2
5Nature Nanotechnology59.7
6Progress in Energy and Combustion Science59.3
7Nature Reviews Chemistry52.8
8Nature Catalysis52.1
9Progress in Polymer Science48.7
10Nature Biomedical Engineering45.3
11Electrochemical Energy Reviews41.9
13Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts39.3
14Nano Research Energy39
15Applied Catalysis B: Environmental38.6
16Coordination Chemistry Reviews34.3
18Advanced Powder Materials33.3
20Accounts of Chemical Research31.4
21ACS Energy Letters31.2
22Nature Chemistry29.6
23Advanced Functional Materials29.5
24Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science28.9
25Trends in Biotechnology28.6
26Advances in Colloid and Interface Science28.5
27Annual Review of Physical Chemistry28
28Trends in Chemistry28
29Angewandte Chemie - International Edition26.6
30Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research26.3
32Chinese Journal of Catalysis25.8
33ACS Central Science25.5
34Biotechnology Advances25.5
35Nature Communications24.9
36Polymer Reviews24.8
37Journal of the American Chemical Society24.4
38Journal of Energy Chemistry23.6
39Carbohydrate Polymers22.4
40Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering22.3
41Biofuel Research Journal22.1
42Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences22.1
43Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews21.9
45Chemical Engineering Journal21.7
46Nano Today21.5
47Natural Product Reports21.2
48Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry21.2
49Annual Review of Biophysics21
50ACS Catalysis20.8
51Bioresource Technology20.8
52Biosensors and Bioelectronics20.8
54TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry20
55Food Hydrocolloids19.9
56Redox Biology19.9
57Journal of Materials Chemistry A19.5
59Advanced Science18.9
60Materials Horizons18.9
61Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry18.2
62Biomaterials Advances17.8
63Nano Materials Science17.8
64Accounts of Materials Research17.7
66Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology17.6
67Environmental Science and Technology17.5
70Sensors International17.4
71Small Methods17.4
73Small Structures17.3
74Journal of Membrane Science17.1
75Nano Letters16.8
76Wuli Huaxue Xuebao/ Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica16.6
77Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science16.5
78Materials Science for Energy Technologies16.5
79Journal of Power Sources16.4
80Food Chemistry16.3
81Mass Spectrometry Reviews16.3
82Current Opinion in Biotechnology16.2
83Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis16.2
84Journal of Colloid and Interface Science16.1
85Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering16
86Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry16
89Ultrasonics Sonochemistry15.8
90Data Handling in Science and Technology15.6
91Metabolic Engineering15.6
92Engineered Science14.9
93Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry14.8
94ACS Materials Letters14.6
96Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical14.6
97ACS Sensors14.5
98npj 2D Materials and Applications14.5
99Chemical Science14.4
100Green Synthesis and Catalysis14.4
101International Journal of Nanomedicine14.4
102Science China Chemistry14.4
103Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy14.3
104International Reviews in Physical Chemistry14.2
105Chemistry of Materials14.1
106Chinese Chemical Letters14.1
107Journal of Cheminformatics14.1
108Progress in Solid State Chemistry14.1
109Current Opinion in Electrochemistry14
110Separation and Purification Technology14
111Small Science14
112Smart Materials in Medicine14
113Journal of CO2 Utilization13.9
114Journal of Nanobiotechnology13.9
115ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering13.8
116Applied Spectroscopy Reviews13.8
117Topics in Current Chemistry13.7
118CCS Chemistry13.6
119Corrosion Science13.6
120Archives of Pharmacal Research13.4
121Current Opinion in Chemical Biology13.3
122Fuel Processing Technology13.2
123Materials Reports: Energy13
124Russian Chemical Reviews13
126Journal of Leather Science and Engineering12.8
127Tissue Engineering - Part B: Reviews12.8
128Journal of Catalysis12.3
129Reviews in Chemical Engineering12.3
131Separation and Purification Reviews12.2
132Analytical Chemistry12.1
133Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology12.1
134Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences12.1
135Rare Metals12.1
136Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry12
137Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies12
138Journal of Materials Chemistry B12
139European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry11.7
140Nanotechnology, Science and Applications11.7
141Green Chemical Engineering11.6
142Catalysis Today11.5
143Food Reviews International11.5
144Molecular and Cellular Proteomics11.5
145Cell Reports Physical Science11.4
146Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering11.4
147Nanotechnology Reviews11.4
148New Biotechnology11.4
149Process Safety and Environmental Protection11.4
150Progress in Organic Coatings11.4
151Ultrafast Science11.4
152Applied Thermal Engineering11.3
153Chemical Engineering Science: X11.3
154Electrochimica Acta11.3
155Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry11.2
156Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal11.2
157Gas Science and Engineering11.2
158Microbial Biotechnology11.2
159Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces11.1
160Lab on a Chip11.1
161Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine11.1
162Chemical Record11
163International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer11
164Arabian Journal of Chemistry10.8
165Journal of Materials Chemistry C10.8
1662D Materials10.7
167Journal of Water Process Engineering10.7
168Microporous and Mesoporous Materials10.7
169Polymer Testing10.7
170Advances in Clinical Chemistry10.6
172Carbon Capture Science and Technology10.6
173Chem Catalysis10.5
174ACS Macro Letters10.4
175Analytica Chimica Acta10.4
176Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers10.4
177Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry10.4
178ACS Applied Energy Materials10.3
179International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer10.3
180Journal of Molecular Liquids10.3
181Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review10.3
182International Journal of Thermofluids10.1
183Surface and Coatings Technology10
184AVS Quantum Science9.9
185Carbon Resources Conversion9.9
186European Polymer Journal9.9
187Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry9.9
188Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation9.9
189Mechanism and Machine Theory9.9
190Powder Technology9.9
191Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling9.8
192Microchimica Acta9.8
193Bioorganic Chemistry9.7
194Food and Bioproducts Processing9.7
195Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters9.6
196Progress in Biomaterials9.6
197Advanced Powder Technology9.5
198Combustion and Flame9.5
199Food and Bioprocess Technology9.5
200ACS Applied Bio Materials9.4

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