陳永華︱Yonghua Chen, Ph.D.
郵箱: iamyhchen@njtech.edu.cn
2006和2011年分別在內(nèi)蒙古大學(xué)和中科院長春應(yīng)化所獲學(xué)士和博士學(xué)位;2011至2015年先后在美國維克森林大學(xué)、凱斯西儲大學(xué)從事博士后研究;2015年至今在南京工業(yè)大學(xué)柔性電子(未來技術(shù))學(xué)院開展新能源材料與器件相關(guān)研究。近年來在Nature、Science、Nature Energy、Nature Photonics 等共發(fā)表SCI論文160余篇,以通訊作者發(fā)表論文80余篇,2篇論文入選2021 年中國百篇最具影響國際學(xué)術(shù)論文。申請/授權(quán)中國專利 20 項、美國專利 2 項。受邀撰寫一部英文專著和一部英文專著二個章節(jié)。成果入選 2021 年度“中國高等學(xué)校十大科技進(jìn)展”和 2021 年度“中國半導(dǎo)體十大研究進(jìn)展”。擔(dān)任Journal of Semiconductors 青年編委等。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目、面上項目,江蘇特聘教授項目、江蘇省杰青項目、江蘇省雙碳項目、江蘇省自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,參與國家重點基礎(chǔ)研究發(fā)展計劃項目和國家自然科學(xué)基金重大研究計劃集成項目,入選國家高層次人才計劃青年項目。
1. 離子液體鈣鈦礦光伏研究;
2. 鈣鈦礦光伏電池穩(wěn)定性的研究;
3. 全絲網(wǎng)印刷大面積鈣鈦礦光伏的研究。
1. C. Chen, J. Chen, H. Han, L. Chao, J. Hu, T. Niu, H. Dong, S. Yang, Y. Xia, Y. Chen,* W. Huang,* “Perovskite solar cells based on screen-printed thin films” Nature 612 (2022) 266-271.
2. W. Hui, L. Chao, H. Lu, F. Xia, Q. Wei, Z. Su, T. Niu, L. Tao, B. Du, D. Li, Y. Wang, H. Dong, S. Zuo, B. Li, W. Shi, X. Ran, P. Li, H. Zhang, Z. Wu, C. Ran, L. Song, G. Xing, X. Gao, J. Zhang, Y. Xia, Y. Chen,* W. Huang,* “Stabilizing black-phase formamidinium perovskite formation at room temperature and high humidity” Science, 371 (2021) 1359-1364.
3. C. Liang, H. Gu, Y. Xia, Z. Wang, X. Liu, J. Xia, S. Zuo, Y. Hu, X. Gao, W. Hui, L. Chao, T. Niu, M. Fang, H. Lu, H. Dong, H. Yu, S. Chen, X. Ran, L. Song, B. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Peng, G. Shao, J. Wang, Y. Chen,* G. Xing,* W. Huang,* “Two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper layered perovskite solar cells based on phase-pure thin-films” Nat. Energy 6 (2021) 38-45.
4. H. Ren, S. Yu, L. Chao, Y. Xia, Y. Sun, S. Zuo, F. Li, T. Niu, Y. Yang, H. Ju, B. Li, H. Du, X. Gao, J. Zhang, J. Wang, L. Zhang,* Y. Chen,* W. Huang,* “Efficient and stable Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite solar cell with tailored interlayer molecular interaction” Nat. Photonics 14 (2020) 154-163.
5. H. Gu, J. Xia, C. Liang*, Y. Chen,* W. Huang* and G. Xing* “Phase-pure two-dimensional layered perovskite thin films” Nat. Rev. Mater. 2023, DOI: 10.1038/s41578-023-00560-2.
6. Z. Wang?, J. Qiu?, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Chen,* X. Huang,* Wei Huang,* “Two-dimensional light-emitting materials: preparation, properties and applications” Chem. Soc. Rev., 47 (2018) 6128.
7. L. Chao, T. Niu, Y. Xia, Y. Chen,* W. Huang,* “Ionic Liquid for Perovskite Solar Cells: An Emerging Solvent Engineering Technology” Acc. Mater. Res. 2 (2021) 1059-1070.
8. L. Chao, Y. Xia, X. Duan, Y. Wang, C. Ran, T. Niu, L. Gu, D. Li, J. Hu, X. Gao, J. Zhang, Y. Chen,* “Direct and stable α-phase formation via ionic liquid solvation for formamidinium-based perovskite solar cells” Joule 6 (2022) 2203-2217.
9. L. Chao, Y. Xia, B. Li, G. Xing, Y. Chen,* Wei Huang,* “Room Temperature Molten Salt for Facile Fabrication of Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells in Ambient Air” Chem 5 (2019) 995-1006.
10. X. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Gao, L. Song, C. Ran,* Y. Chen,* W. Huang,* “Polarization-Sensitive Halide Perovskites for Polarized Luminescence and Detection: Recent Advances and Perspectives” Adv. Mater., 33 (2021) 2003615.
11. L. Chao, T. Niu, W. Gao, C. Ran,* L. Song, Y. Chen,* W. Huang,* “Solvent Engineering of the Precursor Solution toward Large-Area Production of Perovskite Solar Cells” Adv. Mater. 33 (2021) 2005410.
12. W. Hui, Y. Yang,* Q. Xu, H. Gu, S. Feng, Z. Su, M. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Li, J. Fang, F. Xia, Y. Xia, Y. Chen,* X. Gao,* W. Huang, “Red-Carbon Quantum Dots Doped SnO2 composite with Enhanced Electron Mobility for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells” Adv. Mater., 32 (2020) 1906374.
13. Y. Pan, Y. Xia,* H. Zhang, J. Qiu, Y. Zheng, Y. Chen,* and W. Huang,* “Recent Advances in Alternating Current-Driven Organic Light-Emitting Devices” Adv. Mater. 29 (2017) 1701441.
14. Z. Shi, J. Guo, Y. Chen,* Q. Li, Y. Pan, H. Zhang, Y. Xia,* and W. Huang,* “Lead-free Organic-inorganic Hybrid Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications: Recent Advances and Perspectives” Adv. Mater. 29 (2017) 1605005.
15. X. Wang, X. Ran, X. Liu, H. Gu, S. Zuo, W. Hui, H. Lu, B. Sun, X. Gao, J. Zhang, Y. Xia,* Y. Chen,* and W. Huang,* “Tailoring Component Interaction for Air-Processed Efficient and Stable All-Inorganic Perovskite Photovoltaic” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 (2020) 13354-13361.
16. Z. Wang, Z. Shi, T. Li, Y. Chen,* and W. Huang,* “Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells: A Prospective on Substitution of A-cation and X-anion” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56 (2017) 1190-1212.
17. Y. Shen, Y. Liu, H. Ye, Y. Zheng, Q. Wei, Y. Xia, Y. Chen,* K. Zhao,* W. Huang, and S. Liu* “Centimeter-Sized Single Crystal of Two-Dimensional Halide Perovskites Incorporating Straight-Chain Symmetric Diammonium Ion for X-Ray Detection” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 (2020) 14896-14902.
18. D. Li, L. Chao, C. Chen, X. Ran, Y. Wang, T. Niu, S. Lv, H. Wu, Y. Xia,* C. Ran, L. Song, S. Chen, Y. Chen,* W. Huang,* “In situ interface engineering for highly efficient electron-transport-layer-free perovskite solar cells” Nano Lett.59 (2020) 5799-5806.
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